Mark Purves
So Happy Together
PVC Inflatable and aluminium hoop.
Commission for Ltd Ink Corporation - Safari of Sorts 2021
An undefined building in an undefined grassland give context to an inflatable smiling face fastened to the wall with an aluminium hoop barrier. The pervasive human need for liberation from the restrictions of prosaic existence can be satisfied if you find it, look up and smile back.
Mark Purves shows a combination of repeated forms and recurring motifs. A playful endemic warfare among contesting groups, his work highlights issues of authenticity and worth.
Mark Purves (b 1982, Edinburgh, UK) Studied BA Sculpture at Edinburgh College of Art and MA Fine Art at Edinburgh college of Art. Currently lives and works near Edinburgh.
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Mark Purves shows a combination of repeated forms and recurring motifs. A playful endemic warfare among contesting groups, his work highlights issues of authenticity and worth.
Mark Purves (b 1982, Edinburgh, UK) Studied BA Sculpture at Edinburgh College of Art and MA Fine Art at Edinburgh college of Art. Currently lives and works near Edinburgh.
Artists profile ︎︎︎